Chapel Street (Penzance)

Chapel Street Methodist Church

How to Find Us

The church building is in Chapel Street, Penzance, TR18 4AW

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Chapel Street logo


10.45 am  Contemporary band-led worship.  Families and all ages most welcome.


About Chapel Street Methodist Church

Chapel Street Methodist Church—a good place to meet with God and to be part of his kingdom in Penzance.

We are a medium-sized church in the centre of town, enjoying contemporary worship each Sunday.

In response to God's love, in saving us, we try our best to share that love not only with our own members, but with visitors, folk in our local community and the many people beyond.

We also try to bring love, help and support through home groups, prayer ministry, quality children's work and pastoral visits. We try to achieve excellence in all we do.

Whoever you are, whatever your journey—welcome!

More Information

Visit the Chapel Street Methodist Church web site